talentanywhere.ai FAQS - Talentanywhere.ai

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our list of frequently asked questions and find instant answers to common queries.

talentanywhere.ai does not offer refunds or credits against subscription charges for the time you did not use your account.

To access the AI-powered Resume Builder you will need to Register in talentanywhere.ai as a new user. If you are already signed up, then you will just need to log in to access the Resume Builder.

You will be able to download your resume once you successfully refer some of your friends.

To unsubscribe, you need to go to “My Subscriptions” section in your talentanywhere.ai account and you can unsubscribe from your plan there.

You won't be able to downgrade from the Pro Plan to the free plan while the Pro plan is active. Once the Pro plan expires you will be automatically downgraded to the free plan if you have not purchased another Pro plan.

You can create 5 resumes with unlimited access to templates with the Pro Plan.

You can create 1 resume with the default template in the Free Plan.

Yes, you will receive your resume in your registered email-id as soon as you complete your resume creation journey.

Yes, you can add multiple Certification Links from the “+” button while creating the resume.

Yes, you can add multiple social links from the “+” button while creating the resume.

Yes, you can add multiple Portfolio Links from the “+” button while creating the resume.